Digital Module 03: Nonparametric Item Response Theory

5 (8 votes)

Recorded On: 09/24/2019

In this digital ITEMS module Stefanie Wind introduces the framework of nonparametric item response theory (IRT), in particular Mokken scaling, which can be used to evaluate fundamental measurement properties with less strict assumptions than parametric IRT models. She walks through the key distinction between parametric and nonparametric models, introduces the two key nonparametric models under Mokken scaling – the monotone homogeneity and double monotonicity model – and discusses modern extensions of the basic models. She also describes how researchers and practitioners can use key nonparametric statistics and graphical visualization tools to evaluate the fundamental measurement properties of an assessment from a nonparametric perspective. Finally, Dr. Wind illustrates the key reasoning steps and associated best practices using video-based worked examples completed with the mokken package in R

Keywords: double monotonicity model, DMM, item response theory, IRT, Mokken scaling, monotone homogeneity model, multilevel modeling, mokken package, nonparametric IRT, R, rater effects


Recorded 09/24/2019
Recorded 09/24/2019 Full digital module with all resources and activities.
DM03 VIDEO (Sections 1-4)
Open to view video.
Open to view video. A video version of sections 1-4 without interactive components but with all core content.
DM03 VIDEO (Introduction)
Open to view video.
Open to view video. Video of the introduction section of the module [6:48 minutes]
DM03 VIDEO (Section 1)
Open to view video.
Open to view video. Video of the content for section 1 [10:10 minutes]
DM03 VIDEO (Section 2)
Open to view video.
Open to view video. Video of the second content section [10:15 minutes]
DM03 VIDEO (Section 3)
Open to view video.
Open to view video. Video of the third content section [10:15 minutes]
DM03 VIDEO (Section 4)
Open to view video.
Open to view video. Video of the fourth content section [18:47 minutes]
Worked Examples VIDEO (Part 1, R Installation)
Open to view video.
Open to view video. This video provides instruction on how to install the mokken package from R and how to prepare the data for analysis [approximately 8 minutes].
Worked Examples VIDEO (Part 2, Dichotomous Data)
Open to view video.
Open to view video. This video provides an overview of model estimation and parameter interpretation for dichotomous data [approximately 12 minutes].
Worked Examples VIDEO (Part 3, Polytomous Data)
Open to view video.
Open to view video. This video provides an overview of model estimation and parameter interpretation for polytomous data [approximately 17 minutes].
Data Files
Open to download resource.
Open to download resource. All data files for worked examples and data activities.

Stefanie A. Wind

Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Research, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL

Dr. Wind conducts methodological and applied research on educational assessments with an emphasis on issues related to raters, rating scales, Rasch models, nonparametric IRT, and parametric IRT. 

Contact Stefanie via
