Free and paid-access professional development resources for educational measurement. 

The listing is not an endorsement by NCME.


Buros provides instructional and educational resources that improve the ability of individuals to select, develop, and use tests and assessments in accordance with relevant standards and guidelines for responsible test use. Many of these resources can be found on their assessment literacy website. For more information click here.


The primary purpose of The Center for Advanced Studies in Measurement and Assessment (CASMA) is to pursue research-based initiatives that lead to advancements in the methodology and practice of educational measurement and assessment. They offer free computer programs with supporting materials and other professional development resources. For more information click here.


The Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) is committed to ensuring that all students participating in our public education system - regardless of background - graduate prepared for college, careers, and life. They offer various professional development resources through their site. For more information click here.


The Simon Initiative's goal is to measurably improve student learning outcomes by harnessing a cross-disciplinary learning engineering ecosystem that has developed over several decades at Carnegie Mellon. The initiative and provides a rich entry point into this area through various projects, teams, and tools. For more information click here.


The mission of CRESST is to empower teachers, impact students, and improve institutions through the creation of dynamic models and tools, as well as a powerful knowledge base in assessment design, implementation, scoring, and evidence. They offer a variety of research publications for professional development. For more information click here.


The mission of the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) is to provide scientific evidence on which to ground education practice and policy and to share this information in formats that are useful and accessible to educators, parents, policymakers, researchers, and the public. They have various professional development resources for methodologists available. For more information click here.


The mission of the Institute for Objective Measurement (IOM) is to bring understanding to measurement through the perspective of Rasch modeling. They provide selected text- and video-based learning resources through their site. For more information click here.


The Michigan Assessment Consortium (MAC) is a professional association of educators who believe quality education depends on accurate, balanced, and meaningful assessment.  A nonpartisan and nonprofit organization, the MAC provides leadership and services to advance high-quality balanced assessment practices and systems. For more information click here.


The National Assessment Governing Board (NAGB) sets policy for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). It identifies subjects to be tested, determines the content and achievement levels for each assessment, approves all test questions, takes steps to improve the reporting of results, and is responsible for communicating results to a wide range of audiences. For more information click here.


NCEO focuses on the inclusion of students with disabilities, English learners, and English learners with disabilities in comprehensive assessment systems. This includes issues related to accessibility during formative assessment, non-summative assessments (e.g., classroom-based assessments, interim/benchmark assessments), and summative assessments. For more information click here.


Statistics Without Borders is a volunteer organization that provides analytical services on public benefit projects, with a focus on developing countries and organizations with limited access to statistical resources. For more information click here.


Zippia helps people find and pursue the job that's right for their career with many data-analytic and visualization tools. You can explore pathways in jobs related to educational measurement and learn more about common characteristics of each of the jobs along these paths. For more information click here.

The listing is not an endorsement by NCME.
