FAQs - Portal Contributions


  1. How can I help with the development of the ITEMS portal through sponsorship?
  2. How can I help through volunteering?
  3. How can I share my ITEMS portal improvement ideas?

1. How can I help with the development of the ITEMS portal through sponsorship?

We are grateful that you are interested in supporting our development efforts! There are various ways of sponsoring efforts, which range from providing staff time for content development and associated design activities to providing financial stipends to NCME to help pay for the hosting of the portal and associated management activities. If you would like to provide sponsorship to NCME for the ITEMS portal please contact us.

2. How can I help through volunteering?

We are grateful that you are interested in volunteering! There are various tasks that we continually need help with, which include reviewing new modules, beta-testing module enhancements, locating resources, proposing social learning strategies, and many others. If you are interested in volunteering please contact us. However, please note that if you are a foreign graduate student on certain visas (e.g., F1/J1) your home institution may not allow you to engage in this activity so please check with them first.

3. How can I share my ITEMS portal improvement ideas?

We love to hear from you as we continue to learn about what works best for individual modules and the portal overall! You can go to the sidebar of the portal to access a feedback form or you can contact us directly.

