Free and paid-access professional development resources for educational measurement. 

The listing is not an endorsement by NCME.


The mission of the Assessment Systems Corporation is to increase the quality of assessment by blending consulting services and cutting-edge software. They provide several free software packages along with paid ones as well as selected professional development resources around them. For more information click here.


Cambridge Assessment are a not-for-profit international exams group designing and delivering assessments to over 8 million learners in over 170 countries. They are committed to ensuring that all our assessments are fair, have sound ethical underpinning, and operate according to the highest technical standards. They have various professional development resources for assessment available. For more information click here.


The Center for Assessment engages in deep partnerships with state and district education leaders to design, implement, and evaluate assessment and accountability policies and programs, and to design technically sound policy solutions to support important educational goals. They provide several professional development resources for this kind of work on their site. For more information click here.


The mission of Curran-Bauer Analytics is to bridge advanced quantitative methods with applied research in the behavioral, social, and health sciences. They offer instructional videos and other professional development resources on their site. For more information click here.


ETS’s mission is to help advance quality and equity in education by providing fair and valid assessments, research and related services. Through its research branch it provides various resources for professional development. For more information click here.


Evergreen Data’s Visualization Academy provides access to on-demand videos, researched expertise, and live coaching. You can get feedback on your work, explore case studies, and get answers to your questions in the community forums. If you are short on time you can download templates with completed visualizations for your data. For more information click here


Psychomeasurement Systems is the home of jMetrik, IRT Illustrator and other open source software for psychometrics. Contact them for more information about custom software solutions, educational measurement workshops, and psychometric consulting services. For more information click here.


Measurement Incorporated (MI) is a leading provider of customized educational assessment services for state governments, other testing companies, and various organizations. MI is an industry leader in providing performance assessment scoring services, automated essay scoring services, developing assessment methodologies, and providing innovative solutions for all testing needs. For more information click here.


This site hosts a rich community of learners with associated resources around the latent-variable software Mplus, which can be used to estimate various educational measurement models. For more information click here.


Renaissance provides comprehensive learning and assessment solutions for the K-12 learning space. Their blog series, white papers, and video sessions provide professional development resources that break down complex topics for non-specialists. For more information click here.


A nonpartisan, nonprofit research, development, and service agency working with education and other communities throughout the United States and abroad, WestEd aims to improve education and other important outcomes for children, youth and adults. For more information click here

The listing is not an endorsement by NCME.
