The following organizations provide professional development resources in the area of educational measurement and assessment - some free, some paid-access. The listing is alphabetical and does not reflect a relative endorsement by NCME.

APA Icon

APA Division 5 - Quantitative and Qualitative Methods - draws together specialists in the areas of quantitative and qualitative methods. Their website provides a few select professional development resources, including links to other learning sites and resources for instructors. For more information click here.


The American Evaluation Association (AEA)’s mission is to improve evaluation practices and methods, increase evaluation use, promote evaluation as a profession, and support the contribution of evaluation to the generation of theory and knowledge about effective human action. They have several professional development resources in the area of evaluation available. For more information click here.


The American Statistical Association (ASA)'s mission is to promote the practice and profession of statistics. They have a variety of professional development resources in the area of general statistics available. For more information click here.


Buros provides instructional and educational resources that improve the ability of individuals to select, develop, and use tests and assessments in accordance with relevant standards and guidelines for responsible test use. Many of these resources can be found on their assessment literacy website. For more information click here.


Cambridge Assessment are a not-for-profit international exams group designing and delivering assessments to over 8 million learners in over 170 countries. They are committed to ensuring that all our assessments are fair, have sound ethical underpinning, and operate according to the highest technical standards. They have various professional development resources for assessment available. For more information click here.


The mission of CRESST is to empower teachers, impact students, and improve institutions through the creation of dynamic models and tools, as well as a powerful knowledge base in assessment design, implementation, scoring, and evidence. They offer a variety of research publications for professional development. For more information click here.


ETS’s mission is to help advance quality and equity in education by providing fair and valid assessments, research and related services. Through its research branch it provides various resources for professional development. For more information click here.


The mission of IACAT is provide scientific and educational advocacy for computerized adaptive testing (CAT) and to encourage CAT around the world. They provide selected resources on foundational measurement concepts and links to software. For more information click here.


The mission of the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) is to provide scientific evidence on which to ground education practice and policy and to share this information in formats that are useful and accessible to educators, parents, policymakers, researchers, and the public. They have various professional development resources for methodologists available. For more information click here.


The mission of the Institute for Objective Measurement (IOM) is to bring understanding to measurement through the perspective of Rasch modeling. They provide selected text- and video-based learning resources through their site. For more information click here.


The International Test Commission (ITC)’s primary goal is to facilitate the exchange of information among its members and to stimulate their cooperation on problems related to the construction, distribution, and use of psychological tests. They have several guidelines for test development and use on their website. For more information click here.


NCEO focuses on the inclusion of students with disabilities, English learners, and English learners with disabilities in comprehensive assessment systems. This includes issues related to accessibility during formative assessment, non-summative assessments (e.g., classroom-based assessments, interim/benchmark assessments), and summative assessments. For more information click here.


The Psychometric Society is a nonprofit professional organization devoted to the advancement of quantitative measurement practices in psychology, education, and the social sciences. They have posted two recorded lecture videos on the evolution and philosophy of psychometrics on their website. For more information click here.

If you would like us to consider your organization here please contact us!
