ITEMS Portal
Digital Module 20: Classroom Assessment Standards
5 (2 votes)
Recorded On: 11/30/2020
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In this digital ITEMS module, Dr. Caroline Wylie reviews the Classroom Assessment Standards developed under the auspices of the Joint Committee on Standards for Educational Evaluation and briefly contrasts their role with the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing (2014) issued by APA, AERA, and NCME, which are commonly used to inform quality metrics for high stakes and large-scale assessments. She includes details on the three categories of standards: (1) Foundations (these six standards provide the basis for developing and implementing sound and fair classroom assessment); (2) Use (these five standards follow a logical progression from the selection and development of classroom assessments to the communication of the assessment results); and (3) Quality (these five standards guide teachers in providing accurate, reliable, and fair classroom assessment results for all students). The module contains audio-narrated slides, reflection questions, and a set of resources to support application of the Classroom Assessment Standards to classroom assessments within teams of teachers and/or curriculum and assessment developers.
Keywords: assessment design, classroom assessment, formative assessment, professional development

Caroline Wylie
Educational Testing Service (ETS)
Caroline Wylie is a Research Director in the Student and Teacher Research Center and Senior Research Scientist at ETS. Her current research centers on issues around balanced assessment systems, with a focus on the use of formative assessment to improve classroom teaching and learning. She has led studies related to the creation of effective, scalable and sustainable teacher professional development, focused on formative assessment, on the formative use of diagnostic questions for classroom-based assessment, assessment literacy and on the role of learning progressions to support formative assessment in mathematics and science. She is specifically interested in issues of rater quality as it relates to formative classroom observations, and the relationship between observations, feedback and changes to practice. She was one of the co-authors of the Classroom Assessment Standards, and currently serves as the co-chair for the NCME Classroom Assessment Task Force.
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