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Module 22: Standard Setting: Contemporary Methods
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This module describes some common standard-setting procedures used to derive performance levels for achievement tests in education, licensure, and certification. Upon completing the module, readers will be able to: describe what standard setting is; understand why standard setting is necessary; recognize some of the purposes of standard setting; calculate cut scores using various methods; and identify elements to be considered when evaluating standind-setting procedures. A self-test and annotated bibliography are provided at the end of the module. Teaching aids are included in the module.
Keywords: achievement classification, certification, cut scores, licensure, performance standards, proficiency classification, standard setting

Gregory J. Cizek

Michael B. Bunch
Senior Vice President, Measurement Incorporated
Mike joined Measurement Incorporated (MI) as director of test development in 1982. Prior to that time, he was a research psychologist at ACT (1976-78) and senior professional at NTS Research (1978-82). At MI he was soon promoted to vice president for research and development and later to senior vice president. He currently serves on MI’s board of directors and continues to direct MI’s psychometric team. While still employed by MI, Mike taught graduate courses in statistics and research methods at North Carolina Central University for six years and a mini-course on standard setting through the University of Maryland. He has presented several half-day and full-day training sessions on standard setting at NCME and other national and international organizations. In addition, he co-authored of Standard Setting: A Guide to Establishing and Evaluating Performance Standards on Tests with Gregory J. Cizek (2007) as well as various other articles and book chapters on standard setting. He has planned and carried out some of the largest and most complex standard setting events ever conceived.
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