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Module 44: Quality-control for Continuous Mode Tests
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Quality control (QC) in testing is paramount. QC procedures for tests can be divided into two types. The first type, one that has been well researched, is QC for tests administered to large population groups on few administration dates using a small set of test forms (e.g., large-scale assessment). The second type is QC for tests, usually computerized, that are administered to small population groups on many administration dates using a wide array of test forms (CMT—continuous mode tests). Since the world of testing is headed in this direction, developing QC for CMT is crucial. In the current ITEMS module we discuss errors that might occur at the different stages of the CMT process, as well as the recommended QC procedure to reduce the incidence of each error. Illustration from a recent study is provided, and a computerized system that applies these procedures is presented. Instructions on how to develop one’s own QC procedure are also included.
Keywords: automated review, computer-based testing, CBT, continuous mode tests, CMT, human review, quality control, QC, scoring, test administration, test analysis, test scoring

Avi Allalouf
Director of Scoring and Equating, National Institute for Testing and Evaluation, Jerusalem, Israel
Dr. Avi Allalouf is the director of Scoring & Equating at National Institute for Testing and Evaluation (NITE). He received his PhD in Psychology from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem (1995). He teaches at the Academic College of Tel-Aviv -Yaffo. Primary areas of research: test adaptation, DIF, test scoring, quality control and testing & society. Dr. Allalouf leads the Exhibition on Testing & Measurement project and served as co editor of the International Journal of Testing (IJT)

Tony Gutentag
PhD student, Department of Psychology, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel