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Module 45: Mokken-scale Analysis
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Mokken scale analysis (MSA) is a probabilistic-nonparametric approach to item response theory (IRT) that can be used to evaluate fundamental measurement properties with less strict assumptions than parametric IRT models. This instructional module provides an introduction to MSA as a probabilistic-nonparametric framework in which to explore measurement quality, with an emphasis on its application in the context of educational assessment. The module describes both dichotomous and polytomous formulations of the MSA model. Examples of the application of MSA to educational assessment are provided using data from a multiple-choice physical science assessment and a rater-mediated writing assessment.
Keywords: item response theory, IRT, Mokken scaling, nonparametric item response theory, model fit, monotone homogeneity model, double monotonicity model, scaling coefficients

Stefanie A. Wind
Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Research, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL
Dr. Wind conducts methodological and applied research on educational assessments with an emphasis on issues related to raters, rating scales, Rasch models, nonparametric IRT, and parametric IRT.
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