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Classroom Assessment

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Digital Module 20: Classroom Assessment Standards
In this digital ITEMS module, Dr. Caroline Wylie reviews the Classroom Assessment Standards with their three sets of standards: (1) Foundations (these six standards provide the basis for developing and implementing sound and fair classroom assessment); (2) Use (these five standards follow a logical progression from the selection and development of classroom assessments to the communication of the assessment results); and (3) Quality (these five standards guide teachers in providing accurate, reliable, and fair classroom assessment results for all students).
Keywords: assessment design, classroom assessment, formative assessment, professional development

Module 01: Performance Assessments: Design and Development
In this print module, Dr. Richard Stiggins presents and illustrates specific rules of test design in the form of a step-by-step strategy.
Keywords: assessment design, classroom assessment, economy, performance assessment, reliability, validity

Module 02: Obtaining Intended Weights When Combining Students' Scores
In this print module, Dr. Albert C. Oosterhof describes how scores can be adjusted so that the intended weights are obtained.
Keywords: classroom assessment, grading criteria, intended weights, combined scores, course grade, items, weights

Module 03: Reliability of Scores From Teacher-Made Tests
In this print module, Dr. David A. Frisbie discusses the reliability of teacher-made tests.
Keywords: homogeneity, internal analysis, motivation, reliability, reliability coefficient, standardized testing, test scores

Module 04: Formula Scoring of Multiple-Choice Tests
In this print module, Dr. Robert B. Frary discusses formula scoring of multiple choice tests to correct for various influences of guessing behaviors.
Keywords: correction, formula scoring, guessing, multiple-choice, partial information, speeded tests, test score

Module 05: Criterion-referenced Tests in Program Curriculum Evaluation
In this print module, Dr. Steven J. Osterlind describes how criterion-referenced tests (CRTs) can be used in program and curriculum evaluations for developing information to form judgments about educational programs and curricula.
Keywords: criterion-referenced test, CRT, curriculum evaluation, program evaluation

Module 11: Portfolio Assessment and Instruction
In this print module, Dr. Judith A. Arter and Dr. Vicki Spandel clarify the notion of portfolio assessment and help users design such assessments in a thoughtful manner.
Keywords: assessment methods, classroom assessment, portfolio assessment, portfolio design, principled assessment design

Module 12: High Quality Classroom Assessment
In this print module, Dr. Richard J. Stiggins promotes the understanding of differences between sound and unsound classroom assessment.
Keywords: assessment methods, classroom assessment, principled assessment design, sound assessment, student achievement
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