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Diagnostic Measurement

All-access Pass
This provides immediate access to ALL print and digital modules in the portal by "registering" you for each and displaying all modules as a single collection as part of this pass.
All-access Pass (PRINT ONLY)
This provides access to a ZIP folder with all 45 previously published print modules.
Digital Module 04: Diagnostic Measurement Checklists
​In this digital ITEMS module, Dr. Natacha Carragher, Dr. Jonathan Templin, and colleagues provide a didactic overview of the specification, estimation, evaluation, and interpretation steps for diagnostic measurement / classification models (DCMs) centered around checklists for practitioners. A library of macros and supporting files for Excel, SAS, and Mplus is provided along with video tutorials for key practices. ​Keywords: attributes, ​checklists, ​diagnostic measurement, diagnostic classification models, DCM, Excel, ​log-linear cognitive diagnosis modeling framework, LCDM, Mplus, ​Q-matrix, model fit, SAS
Digital Module 05: The G-DINA Framework
In this digital ITEMS module, Dr. Wenchao Ma and Dr. Jimmy de la Torre introduce the G-DINA model, which is a general framework for specifying, estimating, and evaluating a wide variety of cognitive diagnosis models for the purpose of diagnostic measurement. Keywords: cognitive diagnosis models, CDM, diagnostic classification models, ​DCM, diagnostic measurement, ​GDINA, G-DINA framework, GDINA package, model fit, model comparison, Q-matrix, validation
Digital Module 12: Think-aloud Interviews and Cognitive Labs
​In this digital ITEMS module, Dr. Jacqueline Leighton and Dr. Blair Lehman review differences between think-aloud interviews to measure problem-solving processes and cognitive labs to measure comprehension processes and illustrate both traditional and modern data-collection methods. Keywords: ABC tool, cognitive laboratory, cog lab, cognition, cognitive model, interrater agreement, kappa, probe, rubric, thematic analysis, think-aloud interview, verbal report
Module 20: Rule-space Methodology
In this print module, Dr. Mark J. Gierl, Dr. Jacqueline P. Leighton, and Dr. Stephen M. Hunka examine the logic of Tatsuoka's rule-space model, as it applies to test development and analysis. Keywords: attribute, attribute hierarchy, classification, cognitive diagnosis, ​diagnostic measurement, item response theory, IRT, rule-space methodology, Q-matrix