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Welcome to the ITEMS Portal!

The ITEMS portal is your entry point into a world of learning in educational measurement and assessment. ITEMS modules are its centerpiece, which are short self-contained lessons with various supporting resources that facilitate self-guided learning, team-based discussions, as well as professional instruction. In addition, you can explore a network of other professional organizations, stay up-to-date via news feeds, and contribute to the success of the portal. Enjoy your learning experience!

New Videos: Anatomy of Measurement

Video 1: Educational Measurement

Short animated video overview of the field of educational measurement in a nontechnical and fun way. [7 Minutes]

Video 2: Reliability, Validity, and Fairness

Short animated video explaining reliability, validity, and fairness in a nontechnical and fun way. [7 Minutes]

Video 3: Standardized Test Development

Short animated video describing the lifecycle of standardized test development in a nontechnical and fun way. [10 Minutes]

Video 4: Standardized Test Scoring

Short animated video explaining how standardized tests are scored in a nontechnical and fun way. [5 Minutes]

Video 5: Classroom Assessment

Short video describing the role of classroom assessment in a nontechnical way. [7 Minutes]

New Digital Modules:

All-access Pass
This provides immediate access to ALL print and digital modules in the portal by "registering" you for each and displaying all modules as a single collection as part of this pass.
All-access Pass (PRINT ONLY)
This provides access to a ZIP folder with all 45 previously published print modules.
Digital Module 18: Automated Scoring
In this digital ITEMS module, Dr. Sue Lottridge, Amy Burkhardt, and Dr. Michelle Boyer provide an overview of automated scoring. They discuss automated scoring from a number of perspectives and provide two data examples, one focused on training and evaluating an automated scoring engine and one focused on the impact of rater error on predicted scores. Key words: automated scoring, hand-scoring, machine learning, natural language processes, constructed response items
Digital Module 19: Foundations of IRT Estimation
In this digital ITEMS module, Dr. Zhuoran Wang and Dr. Nathan Thompson introduce the basic item response theory (IRT) item calibration and examinee scoring procedures as well as strategies to improve estimation accuracy. Keywords: calibration, EM algorithm, estimation accuracy, item response theory (IRT), maximum likelihood estimation (MLE), maximum a posteriori (MAP), expected a posteriori (EAP), marginal maximum likelihood estimation (MMLE), scoring
Digital Module 20: Classroom Assessment Standards
In this digital ITEMS module, Dr. Caroline Wylie reviews the Classroom Assessment Standards with their three sets of standards: (1) Foundations (these six standards provide the basis for developing and implementing sound and fair classroom assessment); (2) Use (these five standards follow a logical progression from the selection and development of classroom assessments to the communication of the assessment results); and (3) Quality (these five standards guide teachers in providing accurate, reliable, and fair classroom assessment results for all students). Keywords: assessment design, classroom assessment, formative assessment, professional development
Digital Module 21: Results Reporting for Large-scale Assessments
In this digital ITEMS module, Dr. Francis O’Donnell and Dr. April Zenisky provide a firm grounding in the conceptual and operational considerations around results reporting for summative large-scale assessment and, throughout the module, highlight research-grounded good practices, concluding with some principles and ideas around conducting reporting research. Keywords: data, large-scale assessment, results, score reporting, validity, visualization
Digital Module 22: Supporting Decisions with Assessment
In this digital ITEMS module, Dr. Chad Gotch walks through different forms of assessment, from everyday actions that are almost invisible, to high-profile, annual, large-scale tests with an eye towards educational decision-making. Keywords: assessment literacy, classroom assessment, decision-making, formative assessment, in-the-moment assessment, interim assessment, large-scale assessment, major milepost, periodic check-in, unit test
Digital Module 23: Multidimensional Item Response Theory Graphics
In this digital ITEMS module, Dr. Terry Ackerman and Dr. Qing Xie cover the underlying theory and application of multidimensional item response theory models from a visual perspective. Keywords: centroid plot, clamshell plot, contour plot, item information curve, item information surface, multidimensional item response theory, MIRT, response surface, RShiny, test characteristic curve, test characteristic surface, vector
Digital Module 24: Assessment Literacy
​In this digital ITEMS module, Dr. Jade Caines Lee provides an opportunity for learners to gain introductory-level knowledge of educational assessment. The module’s framework will allow K-12 teachers, school building leaders, and district-level administrators to build “literacy” in three key assessment areas: measurement, testing, and data. Key Words: assessment literacy, classroom assessment, data, educational measurement, formative assessment, K-12 education, public schooling, reliability, summative assessment, validity
Digital Module 25: Testlet Models
​In this digital ITEMS module, Dr. Hong Jiao and Dr. Manqian Liao describe testlet response theory and associated measurement models for the construction and evaluation of new measures and scales when local item dependence is present. Key words: Bayesian estimation, innovative assessment, item response theory, local item dependence, multi-part items, paired passages, testlets, testlet response theory
Digital Module 26: Content Alignment in Standards-based Educational Assessment
In this digital ITEMS module, Dr. Katherine Reynolds and Dr. Sebastian Moncaleano discuss content alignment, its role in standards-based educational assessment, and popular methods for conducting alignment studies. Key words: Achieve methodology, content alignment, content area standards, content validity, standards-based assessment, Surveys of Enacted Curriculum, Webb methodology
Digital Module 27: Hierarchical Rater Models
In this digital ITEMS module, Dr. Jodi M. Casabianca provides a primer on the hierarchical rater model (HRM) and the recent expansions to the model for analyzing raters and ratings of constructed responses. Keywords: hierarchical rater model, item response theory, longitudinal models, rater effects, multidimensional models, signal detection models

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